An Oracle deck of ancient wisdom shered in the modern era. Illustrated by hand and realised in 3D, to carry essence into the material. Inspired by the mystical symbology of the ancient Pre-nuragic and Nuragic Civilization of Sardinia. The deck encompasses images of Goddesses and Priestesses that carry you through universal concepts and energies.
26 cards, connected with the new moons and full moons of the year, the energy of Sardinian Goddesses and the Element of Water. In Nuragic Culture, the Goddess is connected with the Full Moon, the New Moon, and the Element of Water. Each of the cards captures the symbology sacred to the Nuragic Civilization, such as Bull Horns, associated with the Womb, Sacred Water Temples and Wells, Standing Stones, and Ancient Tombs.
Nuragic Moon Oracle Deck in a box with 26 Cards Size: 88×126 mm (3.5′′×5′′) with R4 corner.
Booklet Size: 88×126 mm (3.5′′×5′′), 46 pages in English and a booklet downloadable in Italian.
FSC Certified.
ISBN: 978-1-5272-8912-3
Designed in Sardina - Printed in China
Will be shipped from our warehouse in China to you.