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Nuragic Keepers


Nuragic Keepers


The Nuragic Rites ® are part of the  Nuragic Medicine Wheel ®  training.
The Rites can be given in any order, but it is usually customary to begin with the Rite of the Seer, then the Rite of the Creator / Manifestor to follow the Rite of the Healer and finally the Rite of the Guardian / Keeper. This Ritual Ceremony takes place once a year, in the same place and every year those who have received the rites will be able to pass them on to the new ones.
You will be registered on the official site as an official officiant of the Nuragic Rites.

The Ceremony will be taken in both languages Italian & English.

The standardized structure and procedures to be followed when performing Nuragic rites, as outlined in the following regulation.


1.Authorization and Conducting Nuragic Rites:

Only individuals or groups with proper authorization and licensing from the Nuragic Shamanic Healing © are allowed to conduct official Nuragic Rites.

2. Training and Certification:

Those seeking authorization must undergo appropriate training and certification programs approved by Nuragic Shamanic Healing © to ensure knowledge and understanding of the rites significance.


Here the List of the people who officially received the Nuragic Rites ®  in the Sacred Sites of Sardinia:


List of the Official registered