The Sacredness of a Votive Mountain with the Nuragic Temple
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The Sacredness of a Votive Mountain with the Nuragic Temple
Are you looking for clarity? Allow me to help you connect with your energy through the magical Archetypes of the Tarot.
We will gather together in ceremony as we let go of what is no longer serving us in our lives. We connect with our inner energy, and share how to manifest our intentions into reality.
Join the Men's Circle, step into the Brotherhood. We start by acknowledging each brother in the circle. We set our intentions for the circle, and then we share and listen. Sometimes we simply share whatever is in our heart at that present moment.
Drumming induces deep relaxation, a meditation that will have you voyaging within. I will take you in a journey with the rhythm of the Drum and my voice.
Embark on a transformative voyage to Sardinia with Alessandro, a renowned Nuragic Shamanic Healer, as your guide.
I will connect with your ancestors assisted by the energy of my nuragic ancestors.
The Rite of the Womb is about honoring and healing the feminine “Cosmic Womb” of all of us. When a man receives this Rite, it will help to heal his feminine side, heal the relationship with his mother, with the women in his life and Pachamama.
Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shades? Benjamin Franklin
A cure to remove the Evil Eye. A ritual practiced by healers, passed on through family descent or direct lineage from other practitioners.