Minor Arcana

While the Major Arcana expresses universal themes, the Minor Arcana brings those themes down into the practical to show us how they relate to daily events. The Minor Arcana cards represent the concerns, activities and emotions that make up our everyday lives. There are 56 cards in the Minor Arcana divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Coins/Pentacles. Each of these suits represents a particular aspect of life.
All the Minor Arcana cards are linked to love, relationships, family, career, money, health and spirituality.
This course is for people who already have knowledge of the Major Arcana and want take the second step into the world of the tarot.
Like for the Major Arcana Course, I will teach you to read the Tarot intuitively, even without prior knowledge. You will discover the same card evokes different emotions and sensations in each of us and this is precisely the concept on which my system and natural approach is based.
This full course consists of 8 one on one lessons (120 minutes each) through Zoom.
Once you have bought the course we will get in touch to organise a date and time.
My Working hours are Monday to Friday from 10am to 7.30pm. I will work with you to find a suitable schedule (Lessons are one hour per day at list two day a part).
For this course, I recommend Minor Arcana cards with illustrative design to make learning easier. Otherwise, you can use the traditional suits if you prefer.
In the shop section you can also find the possibility to buy only one module at a time click here.